
Hypothyroid Treatment

Small RhombusPossibly the most commonly missed diagnosis today with approximately 40% of the population having undiagnosed hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroid Treatment

Probably one of the most important parts of your body is your thyroid gland.   According to David Brownstein, MD,  hypothyroidism may be the most commonly missed diagnosis  today with approximately 40% of the population  having undiagnosed hypothyroidism.  Hypothyroidism is considered to be poor or low thyroid activity; whereas, hyperthyroidism is considered to be increased or hyperthyroid activity.  The importance of the thyroid gland is that our thyroid hormones affects every cell of our body and you cannot achieve optimum health without a properly functioning thyroid gland.



  • obesity
  • PMS
  • diabetes
  • allergies
  • weight gain
  • poor memory
  • hair loss
  • fatigue
  • dry skin
  • constipation
  • cold hands & feet
  • chronic fatigue
  • inability to concentrate
  • hyper and hypotension

In a Colorado Thyroid Disease Prevalence Study, 25,862 people were studied and 10% of the people were found to have undiagnosed abnormal thyroid function.  From this study it was estimated that 13 million people nationally may have undiagnosed abnormal thyroid function.  Another study by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology  involving  2,550 people indicated that subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with a 260% increase in the prevalence of heart disease.  Subclinical hypothyroidism means you are hypothyroid but you are unaware of any associated signs or symptoms.

An initial consultation (urine and iodine tests are only done in office) is made with Dr. Arnold that includes a complete history, examination, with both urine and blood work being  performed.  Blood work includes five (5) different thyroid tests (TSH, free T4, free T3, reverse T3 and TPO anti-bodies) and a 24 hour urine test to evaluate iodine deficiency.   Proper iodine levels is essential to proper thyroid function and iodine deficiency is frequently found with hypothyroidism.  Based on this information, an individualized and personalized treatment plan is made  and reviewed with the patient.  A comprehensive, holistic treatment plan is then recommended and based on the severity of the individual patient’s condition, common treatments for hypothyroidism include a combination of nutritional recommendations, prescription medications, and nutritional supplements.