PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy

Small RhombusPRP therapy is a revolutionary new treatment that relieves pain by promoting long lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions.

PRP Studies

In Vivo. 2010 Nov-Dec;24(6):889-93.

Regeneration of mandibular osteoradionecrosis defect with platelet rich plasma gel.

Scala M, Gipponi M, Mereu P, Strada P, Corvò R, Muraglia A, Massa M, Bertoglio S, Santi P, Cafiero F.
Department of Surgical Oncology, National Institute for Cancer Research IST, Genoa, Italy.
Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the mandible is a major complication of radiation therapy of head and neck cancer with a potential of occurrence ranging from 5 to 15% of the irradiated patients. Due to the gradual necrotic process, the mandibular bone becomes necrotic and looses its spontaneous regeneration ability. Containing an elevated content of mitogenic and osteogenic growth factors, the use of platelet rich plasma (PRP) from autologous source has been suggested to re-activate the healing process of osteogenesis. Autologous PRP gel was introduced into the ORN necrotic defect of a 44-year old patient previously treated for squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, subsequent to proper surgical debridement. We report post-operative two-year follow-up demonstrated by panoramic X-ray which showed regain of the mandibular bone continuity with a complete repair of the necrotic defects. We conclude that this case illustrates an incident of successful regeneration of ORN critical-sized defect of the mandible by autologous PRP gel.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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